Markel Specialty insurance offers coverage crafted for distilled spirits companies

You know the risks in your business. Thankfully, so does Markel Specialty

We work with distillery owners to create policies specifically designed to help them protect their assets and property.

Markel Specialty offers a wide range of coverages designed for distilleries including:

  • Property coverage that includes coverage for the distillery, tasting room, barrel warehouse, business personal property and stock, and business income, as well as Spirit stock valued at the price for which it could have been sold on the date of the loss
  • Liability coverage that will include your tasting room, manufacturing operations, as well as for facilities used for weddings and other special events
  • Excess and umbrella coverage for additional protection

Why do I need insurance for my distillery?

Unlike other businesses, your distillery may have sterile tanks and vats, vulnerable liquid inventories, special events, and much more. As you know, it doesn’t take much to wipe out an entire year’s work—or to put your assets at risk if sued.

Here are some examples of claims*:

  • After a cold snap, a pipe bursts and damages the ceiling.
  • When preparing to bottle, a forklift driver drops a barrel and it bursts.
  • A guest on the premises is struck in the head by a patio umbrella blown loose by a strong gust of wind. Even though the guest refused medical attention, they later claimed they suffered a concussion and claimed compensation.

Don’t wait until you file a claim to find out if you have the proper insurance protection for your distillery. Contact one of our appointed Markel Specialty agents to get a quote today.

*These examples are provided for illustrative purposes only. Whether an accident or loss is covered is subject to the terms and conditions of your policy. Your policy is the contract that specifically and fully describes your coverage, terms, and conditions.

What can insurance for distilleries cover?

Markel Specialty has customizable insurance coverage for distilleries. We work with agents across the United States that specialize in providing risk management solutions.

Liability coverages

General liability
Commercial general liability provides coverage for damages if there is an accident at your distillery that causes injury or property damage. We offer limits up to $1 million per occurrence/$3 million aggregate. (Aggregate is the maximum amount we will pay for all covered claims combined.)

Liquor liability
Liquor liability coverage protects businesses that manufacture, sell or serve alcohol, against claims that occur when a patron drinks too much.

General liability plus extension
Provides a bundled group of coverage extensions such as damage to premises rented to you up to the occurrence limit.

Umbrella liability
Provides extra coverage that offers protection above underlying liability limits.

Property Insurance

Commercial property
Commercial property provides coverage for your property including owned buildings (including tasting rooms), business personal property and business income. If your facility is temporarily closed due to a covered loss (fire, lightning, windstorm), business income insurance covers your lost income and continuing expenses.

Optional coverages

Systems breakdown
Protects you when any mechanical, electrical, or pressure system breaks down. This includes heating and air conditioning systems, computers, boilers, refrigerators, hot water heaters, and telephone systems.

Special events
This coverage provides protection for special events either on or off premises.

Inland marine
Coverage tailored to protect your manufacturing equipment if it sustains damage due to a covered loss.

value added services icon

Background checks, training materials and education available at negotiated rates.


Loss control
Markel Specialty is committed to providing the tools you need to help you keep safety first.

Get the protection and peace of mind you deserve.

Contact one of our appointed Markel Specialty agents to get an insurance quote for your distillery today.